Monday, October 8, 2012

Griffin injured half-way to leave, falcon outbreak to take a five winning streak

In the first game of fifth weeks of the NFL2012 season, the Atlanta Falcons won 24-17 over Washington Redskins led by the Robert - Griffin III,  take 5-game winning streak since the start of the season.
Falcons defensive group give a strong pressure on Griffin. In the games Griffin 2 times captured and killed, and completed 10 of 15 passes, advancing only 91 yards, the Redskins in the third quarter, the Falcons got 3 files opportunity (dropshiping nfl jerseys) to score at the 3-yard line. but Griffin was sacked by the Sean – Witherspoon. the Redskins back two yards, they had to choose a free kick. Griffin replaced in the next game with another rookie quarterback Kirk - Cousins​​. Redskins coach Mike - Shanahan said Griffin has a mild concussion.

After the Griffin leave, the time is belongs Falcons, the quarterback Matt - Ryan in the fourth quarter to lead the team to three times scoring offense. Julio – Jones push the ball forward 18 yards touchdowns, Matt - Bryant kicked a 53-yard free kick - Michael Turner rushed the ball 13 yards for a touchdown, defensive group got 2 steals Cousins pass in two minutes in the final- discount jerseys onsale.  It’s the first time that Falcons take a five winning streak in Falcons history, since the competition season starting. They also became the only team unbeaten team in five weeks in the NFL team.

  Ryan completed 52 passes 34 times, advancing 345 yards, sending two touchdowns, 1 steals, the Redskins Ryan steals Ryan pass and back to attack 28 yards got the first score for the Redskins . Ryan There once off the ball (find the nike jerseys good seller), this is the first time of this season, the Falcons lost the ball.

13 times catch the ball advancing forward 123 yards, tight end Tony - Gonzalez contributed a touchdown, and Jones catch the ball 10 times and forward 94 yards. Roddy - White catches 4 times and advancing 68 yards. Turner, 18 times the ball forward 67 yards.

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